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Recruitment Vs Nearshoring for technical positions

Growing a business takes a lot of time and energy, but it can be much easier when the right skill sets are available to call upon when you need them. Whether it is software design and development, content and marketing or another skill, having the right people to undertake and complete projects that instigate growth is vital to success.

Unfortunately, this is where many smaller businesses come unstuck as they are not always in the ideal financial condition to bring in new permanent hires. Even if your finances are in a good place, the ideal candidate might not be available, or at least the process of identifying, interviewing and onboarding them is too costly in the short-term.

Recruiting permanent employees is not the only solution though, as outsourcing certain tasks and projects to a specialist nearshoring firm has numerous advantages and benefits that might just be the perfect fit for your business. This is especially true when it comes to technical positions, where certain skills can be extremely valuable for a relatively short period of time.

Here we look at recruitment vs nearshoring and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Nearshoring Advantages and Disadvantages

The first advantage of partnering with a nearshoring company is the shorter timeframe involved in getting a team up and running on a project. There is also great staff flexibility with a nearshore firm, as you can scale-up or scale-down your operations as and when required. You can hire more developers at short notice for a particular project, and then let them go once the project is complete.

The larger talent pool you can access through nearshoring is perhaps the greatest advantage that nearshoring has over permanent recruitment. The skills and expertise available to you will also be greatly enhanced through nearshoring, as you are not reliant on a permanent individual or individuals whose knowledge may or may not be what you need in the future.

You will also incur lower employee costs as hiring nearshore developers is significantly less expensive than hiring developers permanently.

A disadvantage of nearshoring is the potential for communication issues, as is the case for any teams collaborating while remote working. This can be overcome before any projects begin by formalizing the communication structure and setting out all expectations beforehand.

Recruitment Advantages and Disadvantages

Recruiting permanent staff also has some advantages which must be considered. With in-house staff, you can have more hands-on management and thus greater control over your employees’ time and tasks.

Face-to-face communication can also improve collaboration between team members in some ways, which is obviously only possible through permanent hires that work in the same office.

Interestingly, the disadvantages of in-house permanent hires tend to complement the advantages of nearshoring. As well as permanent hiring being a more expensive process, you will be recruiting from a smaller talent pool as only candidates living in the local area will be available.

Plus, finding, interviewing and onboarding a permanent hire simply takes much longer than vetting and establishing a working relationship with a nearshore team.

If you would like to discuss your nearshore outsourcing needs, please contact our team at +1 800 974 7219 ext. 202. Alternatively, complete our short online form here and a member of the team will be in contact with you.
